Going Private






The Ritz Group provides a modular suite of services to "take" companies Private


CAPITAL SERVICES:   Capital Services recognize that for many entrepreneurs and angels, creating, managing and scaling a NEW startup is not easy - especially if you or your team has never done this before.     Therefore, to help both sides,  the Ritz Group is pleased to provide a SERIES of free and fee-based consultative services to accelerate specific aspects where companies..."Get Stuck."   

Since each company needs are unique, the Services must also be modular and adapt to each client.      We have made great strides to make this affordable to bootstrapped entrepreneurs, but also scholarships for stock by potential investors,  as a part of their due diligence before making larger seed round investments.

Our "Sweet-Spot" for providing free and fee-based professional Services to Entrepreneurs and Angels is Capital Formation related to securing private Equity and creating a Shareholder company.  Our guideline for providing this expertise comes from the Capital Drill.     Our Practice starts with a Free Consultation leading to a recommendation for Services.  

CAPITAL DRILL:     Capital Drill is a new Financial methodology practice that helps companies set-up and manage private equity shareholders, as well as provide investors with as structure to monitor company performance to avoid stalling out or failure to exit.   The Practice consists of a formal three step process that can be performed by the internal financial team or the with professional fractional CFO Services trained in the Capital Drill.  (Video)    The practice uses proprietary modeling techniques to project Investor ROI for each capital raise milestone leading to exit.    The Capital Drill simplifies and de-mystifies today's complex private equity methodology used to set-up, valuate and evaluate early stage shareholder companies.  (Video

In 2025, the Capital Drill will provide an online registration service to create and maintain shareholder models used to project investor ROI for each round, but also to project changes based on actual financial reporting.    (Learn More)

MENTORING:        The Mentoring Program with the Ritz Group starts with the Industry Group Leader (IGL).   They are industry oriented and their mission is guide entrepreneurs in the Ritz Group Tools and Programs that meet their industry requirements.    Part of this resource guidance is Mentoring by our volunteers or even free and fee-based professionals that can solve problems and provide invaluable clarity to the "Next Steps".       (Learn More)

CAPITAL AUDIT:  The two types of Capital Audit services are designed for Entrepreneurs who have created their Investor Collateral.   The Capital Audit validates the Launch Plan, Financial revenue forecasts, cost of goods and market strategy.   The Capital Formation Plan is a full turnkey program to lead the creation of the total Capital Formation Plan to include planning, financials, Capital Modeling and Investor collateral creation.

The Capital Service Audit fees range from $2,500 (Lite) to $5,000 (Regular) and can be paid by the company or investors.  The investor Scholarship Program (defined below) enable investors to receive company stock for their Audit expense - before striking terms based on the audit term sheet parameters.

Capital Audit Lite


The goal is....to provide a third-party audit to validate companies "investor-readiness."   It is a first step component of due diligence to confirm and de-risk Angel round investments.  The Capital Audit Lite for qualifying companies are half-day, non-contiguous, sessions to review the investor collateral, make recommendations, and construct an online 5-year financial model projecting investor terms and returns through an exit.


The Capital Audit


A custom tailored more robust Capital Service offering for Investor Readiness the following four-phase approach to audit a company and take them through the Capital Drill.  This is our fee-based service answer to today's "who is in the lead" and who has completed enough "due diligence" to have a terms sheet for others who want to only write checks.  The Capital Audit  is our answer to creating more Lead Angels.


Capital Formation


A turnkey Professional Services Program for entrepreneurs and small businesses that need a TOTAL Capital Formation Plan to scale their business growth or expansion.   Capital Formation Services recognizes the formal Executive Planning Phase, combined with the financial projections and Capital Drill private equity modeling are beyond the skill set and time bandwidth of founders, boards, mentors, legal and financial professionals.    Turnkey means that the Capital Formation Team leads the project and assures that all client members are fully engaged.   For more information refer to the recent BLOG on Capital Formation.


Scholarship Program

The Scholarship Program is the vehicle we use to perform the Capital Audit Program/s, to include Fractional CxO's,  that can be   funded by investors before they invest the big money.   The Scholarship Program recognizes bootstrapped companies are broke - but have stock as a by-product of the audit.   Investors fund the audit and receive stock from the company for the money they invested to perform the audit.   The philosophy is in line with the Capital Expo management of Stock - which in start-ups is more available than  Cash.   Capital Expo helps companies manage STOCK.

Fractional CFO Program

The Fractional CFO Program is a fractional financial Service Offering to audit and manage Shareholder interests for private equity companies.   Fractional CFO Services ensure the capital "pot" is correct for past commitments and all down round capital placements.   (more)

Fractional CMO Marketing Program

The Fractional CMO Program is a vital fractional Service Offering to audit or create and manage a companies MARKETING and SALES tactical and strategic direction for private equity companies.   Fractional CMO Services are tailored and start with an Interview with each potential Client.   It also applies to investors who want to invest or invest and want to shore up the companies Sales and marketing Strategy.   The Ritz Group fractional CMO program is managed by Rory Robichaux.



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