MISSION. The mission of the Ritz Group organization, from its inception, was to provide expertise and roadmaps to avoid landmines and accelerate the success recognizing time is “Capital Burn”. This same mission applies to co-working space, accelerators and incubators and to some degree - educators.
DeFI MIGRATION. And… the Drill is changing. Thanks to the JOBS Act, we have migrated from Accredited REG D Investors to Crowdfunding, plus State Tax Exempt regulations – each with their own registration, SEC and FINRA rules. Today, we are entering into the DeFi World of Digital Asset Tokenization with new SPBD Registration for Securities that will open the Digital Tokenization and fractionalization DeFi market to the masses.
This disruption will impact the core business provided by traditional Broker-Dealers and also the traditional role accountants and lawyers provide in the formation, transition and exit strategies. Their focus today is on the later stage Exit strategies. This is because that is where the real money is to pay for third party professional services.
The latest DeFi advances in digital tokenization for capital securities target Seed and Series A capital raises and therefore escalating the need for professional Services to help Entrepreneurs. I have been a long-time believer, that before DeFi, the Capital acquisition VOID was beyond rifle shot training, mentors, accountant and lawyer services.
Today, managing the end-to-end Capital DRILL requires a Fractional CFO – expert in managing ALL financial issues related to the NEXT standard or digital Capital Raise. That, this expertise is well beyond the majority of entrepreneurs, universities, organizations, broker-dealers, plus mainstreet accountants and lawyers. (Video)
We believe that Capital Acquisition should be a formal PRACTICE in the Fractional CFO tool bag. This practice consists of the following expertise, plus proven templates and technologies to accelerate the process. This practice consist of the following deliverables…under a practice we call the CAPITAL DRILL