Digital Shark Attack prepares Entrepreneurs to practice pitching and be SHARK ready
Digital Shark Attack is a digital version of Shark Attack on ZOOM designed to have companies pitch to be critique by the Shark Monitor and the audience. Our goal is to use Digital Shark Attack as a "Training Ground" teaching Entrepreneurs to pitch to Investors. For others in the audience, Digital Shark Attack provides a valuable learning experience.
For the Ritz Group Screening Committees, Digital Shark Attack provides the perfect screening scenario for candidates for Innovation Stars and Angel Pool.
Digital Shark Attack is provided at no charge for Pitching Companies and Guests. Companies selected to Pitch must be members (click). The process to qualify is presented below.

STEP 1: Register to attend or Pitch at one of the monthly online Digital Shark Attacks. This will be a 5 minute online pitch with a maximum of 10 slides. Critiques will be from our sharks with questions from our audience members (entrepreneurs and investors)
The Format for the Video .PPT is as follows (Max 5 Slides and no more the 10 minutes)
1. INTRODUCTION: Who are you and your Team
2. RAISE AMOUNT: How are you currently raising, how much YTD and in the Past
PITCH COACHING: Each 5 minute PPT Video Submission will be reviewed and discussed with the submitter. The goal is to perfect the presentation from the lens of an Investor. That is...what they value
Corrections and re-submissions are encouraged - the goal is to perfect the value proposition and investor presentation.
MORE EXPOSURE: Companies who pitch for 5" at the monthly online Digital Shark Attack will be featured on the Ritz Group Digital Shark Attack page with their company LOGO.
Since Brite Idea Lab hosts the Ritz Group members, your Profile and all company sub-profiles will be available to Match and Search by Ritz Group Members, as well as our ecosystem. One Digital stop to fully feature your investment story.
After the monthly Digital Shark Attack your Video Shark Attack will be posted on the Ritz Group Digital Shark Attack Archive page for viewing by investors who were unable to attend
We will also send your MP-4 presentation to investors we believe are in your "Sweet Spot." Key is completing your 5-minute Video PPT to investors that you know, or reach out to you based on your Digital Shark Attack Exposure.
We will start out with one per month until we have the promotion and session perfected. Archive storage will be by Industry Category and NOT by date. The schedule will be the second Tuesday of each month. 10:00 to 11:30
You can, if space permits, show up online to observe using the following Link