
Angel Investing with the Ritz Group

Our Goal:   The Ritz Group helps Angels fulfill their ideal Private Equity Investment strategy with early stage companies.   If your a seasoned Angel or just exploring the Private Equity market,  the Ritz Group mission is to provide you a home to Network, attend Events, or take advantage of training to help you enjoy and be successful in your placements.

Investor Relations:    Under the leadership of Successful Entrepreneur and business leader, Steve Gross, we are offering the opportunity to work with Investors to define their Ideal investment Criteria based on their criteria.  This helps investors curate their Strategic Vision, or what we call your investor "Sweet-Spot". 

  • What are my end goals in investing in Private Equity? 
  • What types of companies should I consider?
  • What stage of growth meets my ROI and reasons for considering private Equity?
  • How much of my portfolio should I place at risk?
  • Should I be an Active or Passive Investor?
  • What are the ideal venues or events that I should explore to analyze companies in my "Sweet-Spot"?
  • Should I leverage my investments in lower risk leveraged Pool-plays or higher Risk individual plays looking for the "Unicorn"?
  • Should I invest locally, nationally or internationally?

Connect with Ritz Group Investor Relations to discuss your Private Equity Sweet-Spot - we love to be a part of your SUCCESS?


Ritz Group Angel Venues:     The following Ritz Group Venues designed for Investors.   They are provided free of charge for Accredited Angels who are members.     Of course, we welcome first time visitors as our Guest to come, observe and enjoy the comradeship provided  in each unique Venue.   

Angel Club Luncheons

Angel Club Monthly Luncheon is our "Think Tank" connect and discuss "Hot Topics" or "What's Happening" in the Entrepreneur Arena.    Often we have a guest speaker, but the purpose of Angel Club is to provide each Angel their own "VOICE" to be discussed by the Group.   When possible, we also connect via ZOOM.    We invite "first time Visitors" to join us.   Traditionally, we hold Angel Club on the second Tuesday of each month.   Please be sure to check the website home page or our calendar.     (more)


Angel Pool Investment Club

Photo 8-2017 VI

Angel Pool  is our quarterly event where we present 3 or 4 companies that we have screened and ask the accredited Angels in the Group to "Write a Check".   We ask that each Angel invest in at least one company per year.     Angels can review the companies Elevator Pitch and Pitch Dec Videos ahead of time on our INNOVATION STARS webpage and their investor collateral on Brite Idea Lab.   All presenting companies will have revenue and a lead investor.    We invite "first time Visitors" to join us.   Traditionally, we hold Angel Pool on the fourth Tuesday of each Quarter.    Please be sure to check the website home page or our calendar.  (more)

Angel Profiles with i-Match Ai

As an added bonus, the Ritz Group Angel Members are able to Profile on the i-Match Community powered by Brite Idea Lab.   There, Angels create their  profile and add their Investment "Sweet" Spot" Match Preferences.    Entrepreneurs do the same, adding their Capital Raise as their Match Preferences.    The system Match Engine  matches both parties and delivers the match candidate set 24/7/365 that can be stored in folders you name.    Yes, this is similar in concept to the popular dating sites,  but re-designed for the entrepreneur ecosystem.   The Ritz Group member community not only connects Ritz Group members,  but also members to the Georgia ecosystem and to the world.  (more

Angel Private Equity Training

The Ritz Group Private Equity Training for Angels are the Private Equity Boot Camp and the Angel Accelerator.   

Both courses FOCUS on using the Capital Drill model and tool kit to de-mystify and simplify today's complex model for creating a private shareholder company. 

This is called  "Going Private" and although less intensive than "Going Public," it represents a major educational GAP for both investors and entrepreneurs.

Private Equity Boot Camp is a one day course to introduce the NEW angel to invest in early stage Private Equity companies (more) 

The Angel Accelerator consists of three (3) courses designed to familiarize new, active lead or  passive investors with today's accepted practice for "Going Private" vs. "Going Public" The three courses are Angel 101,  Angel Boot Camp and Angel Lab (more)

Capital Services to create and manage shareholder companies

The Ritz Group firmly believes the complexities of setting up and managing a private equity shareholder company positioned to achieve shareholder timely returns has grown beyond the bandwidth of founders and early stage professional service providers.   

The Ritz Group GOAL is to provide a series of mentoring (Capital Services) and professional fee-based Services (Fractional CFO)  to help both Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors evaluate, audit and make recommendations for Pivots and course corrections.  

Mentoring and Profession Service providers are trained and on the Capital Drill as our "exclusive" new modern solution to "demystifying"  the complex process of creating a private shareholder company.   Capital Drill provides the core financial modeling and tools to create a shareholder-based company and Cap Table stockholders through ALL capital raises to Exit.    (more)

Scholarship Programs to take the investor "Lead"

The Scholarship Program recognizes that the majority of  early round "boot-strapped" companies are "broke."  Bootstrap means they have run their capital war chest dry.

The Scholarship Program is how we perform the Capital Services Audit funded by investors before they invest the big money.   The Scholarship program recognizes bootstrapped companies may be cash poor - but not necessarily "stock" poor.   

When properly formed as a shareholder company,  they have stock that can be used to procure goods and services.   The Ritz Group Capital Audit is designed to identify the new companies stock,  as well as outline stock management practices through multiple rounds.

Under the Scholarship Program, investors fund the audit and receive stock from the company for the money they invested to perform the audit.

The Scholarship Program is a major component of Investor due diligence.    Since the Audit sets terms based on audited assumptions, it represents a form of Investor LEAD enabling other Angels to come on board knowing an independent audit has been performed. 

The results are a WIN-WIN for the Investor and the company seeking funding.


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