Strategic Partner Opportunities
An essential part of Proof-0f-Concept is getting buy-in by a customer or a strategic partner who can help validate, shape the deliveralbe, messaging and help fund the next stage. Out GOAL is to showcase early stage companies that NEED strategic partners from Corporate America that can also serve as market Makers. I your company is looking for a corporate strategi partner - please [Contact Us]
The Veteran Match Portal for both active duty, retired and veterans from all branches
The goal of the Veterans Match portal is to 'connect" veterans based on their "needs." The three Veteran profiles consist of Individuals (veterans all branches), Corporations/Organizations/Government, plus product and service providers. Veteran sub-profiles are used to profile veteran service units, and well as their employment, business ventures, issues, entrepreneurial ideas or projects. For each sub-profile, they define their "Needs" or "Wants," to include job requests and even job openings.
The i-Serve goal is to MATCH each of the diverse Veteran Match Criteria with other Veteran's Match Criteria - to include government resources, or commercial entities actively serving veterans. Each Veteran Match Concierge enables them to tailor their Match Criteria and who they want to Match. (i.e. just veterans... or government... or commercial resources). The Veteran Match portal is designed to be an on-ramp to the thousands of communities and organizations that serve veterans It is a veteran's digital identity to "find and be found."
Crypto Crowd Ecosystem
The Crypto Crowd is a Match Market for the Crypto Ecosystem to include company's, investors, traders, in addition to product and service providers. Crypto Crowd is the database for Ritz Group Holdings In-Trust NFT Exchange.
One of the unique features of Crypto-Crowd is the ability to create the individuals Profile and truly VALIDATE who they are - which is key in trading and fractionalizing Securities on the Secondary Market. In the Contact Section members are able to add KYC, KYB and third party investor verification. They are also able to add Wallet Managers and Wallets
The second major exclusive of Crypto Crowd is the ability to manage portfolios consisting of Candidates found via SEARCH on demand and MATCH 24/7. Filing "Finds" in folders you name and sharing them with one or more colleagues you create is invaluable.
The pro-sports digital market is well served. The youth to amateur digital market is underserved. i-Play addresses the youth to amateur sports market by providing players of all ages to create their own digital "Hall of Fame." Yes, a chronical of their own sports teams for not only their own prosperity but for connecting with other teams in the recreation to the school level. Scouts, coaches, and team managers are always looking for talent and staff. Youth sports beginning at age 5 is huge and beyond well organized.
Sports Registry is a Match Portal that serves ALL players by enabling them to chronical their sports accomplishments to connect with other team members, coaches, and scouts as they transition to the "next" level. Player profiles identify the Player. Sub-Profiles identify each sport to include photos and video. If the sport is currently being played - any need is identified in the Match Criteria. Leagues and sports organizations profile to showcase their role, contacts, as well as complete their Match Criteria to address their Needs. Sellers of sports products and services create their profile, contacts, and Storefront to showcase their products and services for sale. One example is baseball cards for youth players.
The Sports Registry goal is to be a digital Match Market "connecting point" for youth and amateur sports. The Match Concierge features enable players and teams to tailor their Match Criteria to meet their current seasonal needs. The Sports Registry Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the digital Sports community It is Sports Portal to "find and be found."
eLink e-Biz Cards
Provide Individuals with ONE venue to manage their electronic identity (eID) in today’s multi-platform social and business venues.
Provide ONE venue, individuals control, that serves as a portal to their personal electronic presence and multiple electronic business identities – each with their own unique set of third party social media venues, or websites supporting their business identity.
Individual Identities: Individual identities consist of a social media site like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pintrest, Whats APP, Snap Chat, Instagram, Tic Tock, plus blog site/s and more. The composite total represent your electronic Identity and “who you are.”
Business Identities: Business Identities begin with LinkedIn – which validates your presence in the Business Community, YouTube, Facebook and the ever menacing Google - behind the scenes compiling who you are based on your electronic footprint. Also add workshops, forums, and groups. If you work, own or invest in multiple businesses - they and their companion social media venues, are also a part of your business identity.
Responsible Party: The issue is… who is responsible for managing your personal or business electronic identity? The answer is YOU.
Mobile Impact: The second factor that has changed today’s personal and business landscape is how we SHARE our electronic identity. Today’s business card is not big enough to list all of our electronic identity. It is of little value when meeting online via Zoom or corresponding via email. The business identity exchange for the online Zoom world has become email. That is where we need to attach our electronic “Business Card” or eID card.
Today’s NEW “personal” identity exchange medium is the mobile phone powered by Apple IOCS or Google’s Android. For many – this represents the replacement for the printed business card. Realistically, it is a logical extension because “Everyone” has a mobile – and with them at all times. Today, mobile phones even provide emergency portals.
Both Apple and Google (Android) Mobile phones have advanced cameras that also have advanced scanner functions for QR codes, bar codes and even photos, and documents. They allow you to file and store scanned document in the cloud. Mobile phones are an integral feature in sharing today’s individual and business electronic identities.
Emergency Registry
eLink 911 was our first Azure cloud-based Match Platform. eLink911, is a technology company providing an “open” cloud-based emergency REGISTRY providing first responders with Medical Alerts (allergies, heart and medical conditions impacting treatment, etc.) plus Emergency Rooms [ER] with ICE contacts, and/or ANY third party emergency management or healthcare contacts.
In addition, eLink 911 Premium products provide members and families with a Personal Healthcare Record (PHR), emergency management services, Medical Alert ID Products, plus a mobile APP to launch 911 calls. (website)
The entertainment industry is best defined as big job-shop market. That is, for every production, the jobs, talent and skills are sourced to meet the project schedule. Creatives have multiple online venues from which to craft and showcase their trade. What is missing is a "connector" in the middle that matches resource requirements with available resources spread across multiple digital venues.
i-Create is a Match portal that "connects" the Entertainment Industry based on their "haves" and "needs." Creatives create their Profile and a sub-profile for each of their projects, talent or business. Their profile and each sub-profile have photos, videos, contacts and Match Criteria. Productions and projects also create a profile defining their needs. Vendors who have and want to Sell related products and services also have a profile, match criteria and a storefront featuring 4 products.
The role of i-Create is to serve as the digital Match Market to connect-the-dots based on the participants specified Match Criteria. Members on all three sides actively control their Match criteria, initiate Follows, store candidates in their back office and disseminate "finds" to other colleagues. i-CREATE is a Match Network designed to be the on-ramp for the digital entertainment community It is their Portal to "find and be found."
The Aisles Match portal "connects" the B2B apparel wholesale trade show and regional markets based on each member specifying their "NEEDS." Retail Store owners, merchants and big-box retailers go to regional Marts and multiple national trade shows in NY and Las Vegas. The physical wholesale market and apparel-related products change each season. Buyers walk the Aisles to find immediate product needs or products for the next season. Manufacturers, showrooms and manufacturing representatives set up booths to show their lines and hope to meet-up with existing customers and meet new ones. Four to six times year the market is all about matching the buyer and seller.
In the Aisles Match Market, individual profiles serve the match needs of Buyers and their employer. Sub-profiles enable them to profile their match criteria for multiple collections (immediate, a future season) and multiple product lines. Showroom sub-profiles image multiple vendors carried each season. Vendor profiles showcase the manufacturer lines and provide them with a storefront to showcase up to four collections. Sellers of Products and services also have a storefront to showcase and sell up to four products.
The Aisles Match Market goal is to digitally "connect" buyers and apparel related suppliers in as constantly changing, season-by-season trade show environment. The Aisles Match Concierge enables members to tailor their Match Criteria to other retail merchants, trade shows, showrooms or target vendors or service providers. The Aisles Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the digital apparel community It is their portal to "find and be found."
IDEA MATCH [IM] provides a global MATCH Platform that matches IDEAS with Resources to foster the Idea (mentor or consultant), purchase the idea (For Sale), plus strategic partner with business and corporations looking for IDEAs in specific disciplines.
Idea Match Powered by Brite Idea Lab – is a Microsoft Azure Match Platform for Business that can be a private brand/white-Label Match Platform for large corporations to internally manage their client and resource database, in addition to customizing Global Match Platforms in designated vertical markets – like Idea Match for the Inventor ecosystem.
Brite Idea Lab not only provides Idea Match members with exclusive portfolio management features and tool kits, but enables Idea Match members to post their IDEA with one click into the Entrepreneur Match Market and vice-versa. This is designed for IDEAs that have potential for purchase or equity participation to be featured in the Entrepreneur ecosystem.
The platform Match engine matches the “Wants” with the “Haves” and delivers results 24/7 to the respective parties inbox where they can file in folders they name, trash, follow, like, rate, comment and share with colleagues. Filing or trashing means they will not get that Match candidate again.
Idea Match recognizes Inventors are paranoid about someone stealing their Idea. Idea Match uses AI Scripts to insure Inventor postings are minimal to deliver Search and Match Candidates from corporations, businesses and service providers. Idea Match recognizes each Inventor has many Ideas and only a handful have the potential to yield revenue returns. Idea Match recognizes that equity funding for any IDEA must be a business with a TEAM and often strategic partners to drive market adoption and investor returns.
MEMBER MATCH: Providing large Member and consumer databases with extended Member-to-Member collaboration and Match features.
A branded front-end Match platform for major member organizations, or multiple organizations/venues, who want to expand their member-to-member innovation and collaboration.
New and existing members “Opt-In” to the organizations Member Match Market to add their Match Criteria based on their “needs, wants, interests, or products/services” they want to promote.
Machine-Matches (AI) and member-to-member submissions are automatically provided to members through their Member Match back office dashboard. Members can file matches and disseminate matches to other members. Member Match dramatically maximizes member-to-member collaboration and promotion benefiting the parent member value proposition.
Their Match Conciegre will automatically deliver the latest. Matches everytime they open their Member Match Portal.
Innovation Match Market serves as a dynamic digital front-end market for corporate consumer, organization and charity member databases. Member Match is the next generation of customer and member value-add and retention. (learn more)
Corporate Innovation
Maintaining the Flow of Ideas in Corporate Innovation
Our Strategic Partner for Corporate Innovation is Corporate Foundry. Corporate Foundry provides internal innovation platformS (i-Lab & i-LAB 365), plus programs to foster the capture and flow of Innovation IDEAS within a corporation. Brite Idea Labs facilitate the capture of Ideas from the Open 360 world of Entrepreneurial Innovation. Together they address and sustain the flow of Ideas required to maintain a vigorous flow of new Ideas as input to a corporate innovation program. (website)

i-LAB: Providing Corporations with internal Innovation Pipeline Management
A white-label internal innovation platform to manage a corporation’s flow of innovation ideas from the trenches (employees, suppliers & affiliates) to innovation authorities (IA’s) who incubate and disseminate ideas to R&D, M&A, Biz Dev, Innovation Master Mind Groups, plus external Innovation labs and foundry/s.
i-Lab is the CINO’s infrastructure innovation management platform. i-Lab and 21st Century Innovation products and services stimulate the flow of ideas, captures internal critiques, rewards employees, plus track dissemination of each idea submitted. (website)

i-LAB 365: Provides smaller Corporations with an external private Innovation Pipeline Management platform to manage the flow of Ideas from within their corporation
An internal innovation platform for smaller corporations and divisions to implement their own private i-LAB experience on a shared i-LAB cloud-based platform.
The i-LAB 365 goal is to create a lower cost experience for smaller companies and companies who want to "try" idea pipeline management before bringing i-LAB inhouse.
The i-LAB 365 and i-LAB functions are the same. This is to manage the corporation’s flow of innovative ideas from the trenches (employees, suppliers & affiliates) with distribution to innovation authorities (IA’s) who incubate and disseminate ideas to R&D, M&A, Biz Dev, Innovation Master Mind Groups, plus external Innovation labs and foundry/s.
i-Lab 365 is the CINO’s infrastructure innovation management platform. i-LAB 365 and 21st Century Innovation products and services stimulate the flow of ideas, captures internal critiques, rewards employees, plus track dissemination of each idea submitted.
The Government Contract Network is all about sourcing Government Contracts. This is classic matching the "Haves" with the "Wants and Needs" in the US and globally. i-Contract provides a global network designed to create an international digital Match Platform for sourcing Government Contracts
All government purchasing entities create a profile to frame their RFP or contact requirements plus their exact Match Criteria. Suppliers also create their profile and Match Criteria, plus Sub-Profiles for various products, product lines each with their own descriptive profile, eBIZ contacts, and Match Criteria. The third profile category is sellers who want to showcase and sell products and services to the Government sourcing industry. Their profile authenticates their company, defines their contacts and their Match Criteria defines the ideal specifications of the suppliers they want to TARGET.
The i-Contract goal is to MATCH the Match Criteria as defined by each member. Members have the controls to toggle in and out various their Match candidates and even weight which match criteria is of most importance. Their member back office enables them to create prospect lists, store colleagues and disseminate "finds" to them. The i-Contract Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the global Government Contract community It is a Global Contract Portal to "find and be found."
World Trade is all about Trading with international partners. This is classic matching the "Haves" with the "Wants and Needs" globally. i-Trade provides a global network designed to create an international digital Match Platform for trading.
All traders create an Individual profile to frame their business, their contacts and define their trade "Needs" or "Haves." Sub-Profiles capture this for various products, product lines each with their own descriptive profile, eBIZ contacts, and Match Criteria. World Trade Organizations also participate by creating their profile, contacts and Match Criteria. The third profile category is sellers who want to showcase and sell products and services to the world trade industry. Their profile authenticates their company, defines their contacts and their Match Criteria defines the ideal specifications of the customer they want to TARGET.
The i-Trade goal is to MATCH the Match Criteria as defined by each member. Members have the controls to toggle in and out various their Match candidates and even weight which match criteria is of most importance. Their member back office enables them to create prospect lists, store colleagues and disseminate "finds" to them. The i-Trade Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the global World Trade community It is a Global Portal to "find and be found."
Powered by Brite Idea Lab