"BEST" of the Ritz Group Entrepreneurs 2024-2025
Innovation Stars: Innovation Stars is the Ritz Group Website Listing Portal for Approved Companies who have submitted their Elevator Pitch Video that is linked to their Pitch Deck (Video) using our 10 slide success Criteria. Company Logos are listed by Category and up to 4 companies are promoted by our Member email to our over 900 Angel Investors.

Innovation Stars Listing Portal Videos
Spotlight Company
Retail Electronic Visions, Inc – a Microsoft SaaS developer for the i-MATCH Community Platform is launching our NEW Professional Version 2.0 using AI.
I-Match, like a dating site, uses our proprietary Match Engine to “MATCH” the WANTS and HAVES from members presenting candidates in Point Scoring Order that can be stored in portfolios, shared or trashed and never get them again. We call this Precision Targeting. It replaces today’s social media advertising.
The NEW AI enabled i-Match Engine represents a major extension of our existing I-Match platform using the global power of AI and Machine Learning to go beyond the private member community to SEARCH leading web venues to deliver MATCHES based on the members Match Criteria and enhanced AI Script.
We white label and re-brand i-Match and i-Match AI for segmented vertical ecosystems, plus add Powered-by Venues to drive public adoption for each vertical all managed under one master Sign-In/Sign-up interface.
Note: This company Elevator Pitch and Pitch Deck Video are mailed to over 900 Ritz Group Angels