Converting My Investor Collateral to Video using AI
Students are taught the elements of a successful Elevator Pitch Deck and then how to create their elevator pitch using AI into a professional FILM production. They are then taught how to create their elevator pitch, Investor Pitch Deck and Video Shorts to promote their raise. Then store their creations on You Tube creating their own URL. (Sample)
The 5 day class is held at online N/C for Ritz Group Members $500 for non-members. Prerequisites: Have an existing Elevator Pitch script, Investor Pitch Deck, and Executive Summary. The Cohort does not need to have any AI or Film experience. You should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Power Point, plus have your own You Tube Channel. Laptops are required in online during the course.
Class Graduates store their Elevator Pitch on the Innovation Stars Web Page and in the future on the Capital Marketplace Listing Portal when launched. Applicants accepted in the Cohort will also be able to post their Profile and a Sub-Profile for their start up on Brite Idea Lab.
Elevator Pitch videos are used in the Ritz Innovation Stars today and in 2025 for the Capital Marketplace

Elevator Pitch Video with Ai
Goal: A workshop lab environment to convert your Investor Collateral into professional Film AI media
Audience: Entrepreneurs with plans to raise seed or Series A capital, plus new and existing Angels.
Duration: One week online with Google Meets. The morning session is a working Lab to finish the days assignment. The Afternoon Lab is online to present the Assignment for Critiques by the Cohort and Instructors, plus review the next day's assignment
Frequency: Monthly - the third week of each month
Charge: Ritz Group Members n/c Non-Member $500
Event Sponsors: Opening Available (Contact Us)
Deliverables: At the end of the course students should be able to create their elevator Pitch and also create their Video
Requirements: Zoom Internet connection and Laptop
Course Outline
Day 1. Morning - offline to finish your Pre-Requisite Investor Collateral Scripts. Afternoon is Online Introduction to Private Equity and AI Demo Overviews, plus Elevator Pitch Instructions.
Day 2. Morning - offline to finish Elevator Pitch Assignment. Afternoon: Present, Critique and Investor Deck Instructions.
Day 3. Morning - offline to finish Investor Deck Assignment. Afternoon: Present, Critique Investor Deck, plus Instructions, plus on Video Shorts.
Day 4. Morning - offline to finish Video Short from Executive Summary. Afternoon: Present, Critique Video Short, plus on Podcast creations
Day 5. Morning - offline to finish AI Podcast for your company. Afternoon: Present a couple of Podcasts and then Wrap-Up NEXT STEPS
SCAN for Course Enrollment