Corporrate Foundry - Logo TN

The Ritz Group partnered with Corporate Foundry to provide our corporate member with a full function platform and program solution for corporate innovation.

The solution consists of three integrated platforms - all serving to "connect" the critical components in today's Innovation ecosystem. 

Managing the Pipeline of Ideas within corporations.  A white-label internal innovation mining platform to manage a corporation’s flow of innovative ideas from the trenches (employees, suppliers & affiliates) to Innovation Authorities (IA’s) who incubate and disseminate ideas to R&D, M&A, Biz Dev, Innovation Master Mind Groups, plus external Innovation labs and foundry/s.

i-LAB is the CINO’s infrastructure innovation management platform.  i-LAB and 21st Century Innovation products and services stimulate the flow of ideas, captures internal critiques, rewards employees, plus track dissemination of each idea submitted.  More importantly, i-LAB Analytics measure the program   (more)

Connecting to the entrepreneur ecosystem.   Brite Idea Lab is an open 360 portal to connect the entrepreneur ecosystem to Corporate America.    Brite Idea Lab is an open public-facing Match Market platform connecting entrepreneurs to other entrepreneurs, corporations, organizations and service providers.   Corporate departments and IA's create profiles stating their Match needs, wants and/or haves to be machine matched to other members in the OPEN 360 environment specifying the same or similar criteria.   (more)


i-Innovate enables corporations to "connect" with organizations, Industry experts, consultants product and service providers in the corporate C-Suite innovation space.  Members add their Match Criteria based on “needs, wants, interests, or products/services” they want to sell or promote in the Innovation space.

Machine matches and member submissions are automatically provided to members through their Innovation Match Market back-office dashboard. Members can file matches and/or disseminate Machine Matches and submissions to other members.

API's enable i-Lab members to have profiles on Brite Idea Lab or i-Innovate to create colleagues and disseminate Matches and submissions to members on linked platforms.  Standard API’s are used to facilitate common sign-on for all match portals, as well as eliminate redundant data entry.  


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