Capital Drill is our "exclusive" new solution to "demystifying" the complex process of raising Private Equity Funds to scale a shareholder company. Capital Drill provides the financial framework, to include financial modeling and templates to create and manage a Shareholder company from inception to exit. The Capital Drill insures early stage to pre-IPO companies are "Investor Ready". More importantly, Capital Drill Certification insures investors your company is managing shareholder ROI and your company has a clear path to Exit.
Contact Us for more information or a demo
CAPITAL DRILL IMPLEMENTATION: The Capital Drill is a cutting-edge, three-step financial practice designed to FOCUS on the three (3) causes 9 out of 10 companies "Stall-Out" and "Fail to Exit". They are... 1) failure to make sales projections, 2) failure to make product development pipeline happen on time, 3) failure to execute their capital funding plan when needed to fill cashflow GAPS.
There are two (2) proven methods to implement the Capital Drill for your company. The first is Capital Drill Training. Two 4 day Boot Camp Cohorts are offered monthly, (online and classroom) culminating in a quarterly Graduation Day Celebration Event and Shark Attack.
The second is retaining a Capital Drill certified Fractional CFO to aide and guide you through the Capital Drill three (3) step process and be proficient in the ongoing Capital Drill Cap Table Investor ROI Modeling. This "Practice" is variable, but estimated at 60 hours of work. The role of the Fractional CFO begins with auditing your investor collateral, sales and marketing proformas, and product development process. These proof-items are used in creating your Capital Drill Workbook that is used to create your Five (5) Year Master Cashflow Plan that, along with your Cap Table, provides the input for your Capital Drill Modeling Dashboard. Your Fractional CFO also serves as a third-party auditor to insure client "Management Teams" projections are sound.
Fractional CFO are retained on an as needed basis and are instrumental in participating in your capital raise meetings with investors. Capital Drill Certification becomes a key criteria in the Investors Due Diligence process.
Fractional CFO's can also play a role in Board meetings validating pivots in the Capital Drill Plan. For more information on using Fractional CxO's to manage your turnkey capital sourcing plan - click on the CxO Sourcing Tab below.

Oct 23 10:00am
Nov 11 6:00 - 8:00pm
Nov 19 6:00 - 8:00pm
Dec 3 2:00 - 4:00pm
December 10-13
January 13-15
January 16, 2025
10:00 - 2:00
10:00 - 2:00
10:00 - 2:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:30
1:30 - 2:30
2:30 - 4:30
Ritz Group Capital Drill Webinar (Complimentary)
LinkedIn Peachtree to Wall Street Webinar (Complimentary) Host John Harmon
LinkedIn Peachtree to Wall Street Webinar (Complimentary) Host John Harmon
Cohort Pre-Requisite 2-Hr Online Briefing (Boot Camp Class Homework)
Cohort #1 Capital Drill Boot Camp - online (Enroll)
Cohort #2 Capital Drill Boot Camp - Classroom (Enroll)
Graduation Day Main Event - Mansion in Buckhead (Reservation) (Sponsor)
Car Show in Parking Lot
Networking (Entrepreneurs, Investors private meetings)
Exhibitors (Sponsors & All Capital Drill Certified Companies)
Peachtree to Wall Street Briefing #1
Lunch- luncheon Speaker (Reservation)
Roundtable - Host Steven Gross
Main Event Shark Attack (Reservation)
Three ICON Sharks and Five Capital Drill Certified Companies
Note: All Capital Drill Certified Companies onstage to give their Elevator Pitches

Click on the Following Tabs to learn more about the Capital Drill
CAPITAL DRILL PROCESS: The Capital Drill process begins with filling out the Capital Drill Company Data Input Workbook for your shareholder business. This data capture is input into the Company 5-Year Master Cashflow Proforma.
The second component of the Capital Drill is 5-Year Cashflow Proforma. This is a consolidated cashflow template that uses the data from company financial spread sheets for each product or service, budgets and forecasts to project Cash Flow based on revenue, cost of Goods, general admin expenses and the companies private equity capital plan.
The 5-Year Cashflow proforma, along with the company shareholder of record CAP TABLE is input into the Cap Table Capital Drill Modeling platform to project the Investor ROI. Investor returns at EXIT are projected based on industry Valuation multiples for three company variables at EXIT. They are Revenue, EBITDA and Membership.
Change the Modeling data input Spec and generate a new Cap Table model showing stakeholder ROI projections. Change the price of a Seed Round investment and see the resulting impact on Investor projected ROI.
Change your Product/Service forecast - remodel. Get the latest company financials or budgets from Accounting - remodel to see the impact. Add more employee stock or warrants - update the Cap Table Model to see the impact on Shareholder ROI.
In its simplest form, the Capital Drill Model and Tool kit provides Entrepreneurs, Accountants and Lawyers with a formal program to create and manage the business plan executives and the board uses to track the business performance and make PIVOTS in the journey to exit. (Video Tutorial)