Connecting to the entrepreneur ecosystem. Brite Idea Lab is an open 360 portal to connect the entrepreneur ecosystem to Corporate America. Brite Idea Lab is an open public-facing Match Market platform connecting entrepreneurs to other entrepreneurs, corporations, organizations and service providers. Corporate departments and IA's create profiles stating their Match needs, wants and/or haves to be machine matched to other members in the OPEN 360 environment specifying the same or similar criteria.
Members can create unique match criteria for multiple ideas, track followers and display crowd cheering results. Dashboards deliver automatic machine matches, member-to-member submissions and follow grants enabling members to file and disseminate matches to colleagues.
Brite Idea Lab is the technology infrastructure connecting local and global entrepreneur ecosystems based on matching NEEDS. From the corporate perspective, this is the venue to find technology components, third-party resources, talent, potential start-up ventures, strategic partners, as well as early-stage investment opportunities. (more)