Angel Pool is our private venue where 3 or 4 companies, that we have vetted, pitch and ask the Group to "Write a Check". We ask that each Angel invest in at least one company per year. We meet Quarterly. Angels can review the companies Elevator Pitch video and Pitch Deck video ahead of time on our INNOVATION STARS webpage.
Companies pitch for 10 minutes followed by Q&A. They are excused and this is where the "Group Think" begins. Each company is discussed among the Group and investment decisions are made individually by each Angel.
The companies are screened by our Screening Committee and must have revenue and a lead investor. The Ritz Group will insure each company presenting has registered their placement with the SEC, and have a terms sheets that we believe are acceptable.
When possible, we also connect via ZOOM to include a remote Angel Audience. We invite "first time Visitors" to join us. Traditionally, we hold Angel Pool on the first Tuesday of each Quarter. Please be sure to check the Ritz Group website home page or our calendar.

Angel Pool Agenda
Location: TBD
Date: Quarterly - 4th Tuesday the first month in the Quarter
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Agenda: Angels are notified via email about Angel Pool, along with the name of the Companies presenting
Angels can review each company Elevator Pitch Video and Pitch Video by selecting each from the Ritz Group Innovation Stars Web page, or on Brite Idea Lab.
Companies Pitch at the meeting for 5 minutes, present their Terms Sheet and are excused
Group Think. The Angels discuss the company pros and cons among themselves
The company is invited back in to answer Angel questions.
After the meeting Angels can meet with specific companies to ink the deal and write the check