The goal of the investment Accelerator is to provide the expertise to guide companies raising seed and series A, B rounds through the private Equity process. The end result is to define a strategy for best placement an funds and to insure all of the requirements are in place to qualify. The Ritz Group Capital Drill methodology will be used to model existing stakeholders and define down round placement strategies to insure the five year funding strategy is in synch. Finally, a capital placement strategy will be defined to include identifying best capital resources along with the recommended strategy for fulfillment. Investment Accelerator Program About Board Events Sponsor Sign In Contact Us Partners The Ritz Group Investment Accelerator recognizes that raising seed round funding is a complex drill that represents a major challenge for companies raising their FIRST equity round. Also, the equity raise process is one that, in today's environment, exceeds the reach and resources traditionally offered by legal, brokerage, organizations, co-working space/accelerators, universities and often the skills of many entrepreneurial teams. Investment BLOGS: Providing Angel Club Members with Investment topics to continue the investment discussion. Topics are often derrived from discussion topics generated at the Luncheon. Larry White, President & CEO Ritz Group Who's on First? Defining the Capital Arena What's on Second? The Valuation Variant You Want to do What? Lower Members, Revenue and EBITDA forecasts to make the stakeholders happy A BRIDGE to Far? Or, maybe the smart strategy Want a Guarantee - Go to Midas? New debt loan idea for smaller players |